Pefrán Ibéricos colabora con Aspas Asociación niños y niñas sordos de salamanca

We collaborate with the Healthy Walk of ASPAS, the Salamanca Association of parents of deaf children.

This year we joined forces with the Association of Parents of Deaf Children of Salamanca-ASPAS to collaborate in the 6th Healthy Walk they are holding to promote their work and raise funds for the benefit of deaf children and their families in Salamanca.

Esta actividad tiene lugar el próximo domingo 21 de mayo y todos las ediciones ha contado con la presencia de muchos participantes, alrededor de 550 inscritos, así como numerosas empresas patrocinadoras que contribuyen de forma solidaria al desarrollo del evento.

At Pefrán we did not want to miss the event and we have provided you with Pefrán Herencia Extra Iberian Chorizo and Pefrán Herencia Extra Iberian Salchichón for the preparation of sandwiches that will be given to the participants during the march.

Those registered for the 6th ASPAS Healthy Walk have been summoned at 9:00 am in the Plaza de Paradinas de San Juan, to collect their participant's bag and a free fanny-belt. At 10:00 a.m. the walk will start, which will cover 10 kilometres through easily accessible terrain. The end of the route will be in the local park (or in the pavilion in case of rain), where everyone will receive a sandwich, a soft drink and a piece of fruit. There will also be a raffle of various prizes and games for the children.

What is ASPAS

ASPAS's mission is to "attend to and defend all the rights of hearing impaired children and their families, through the provision of different but closely related services and always from a global and comprehensive perspective". Its aim is to achieve a society "where there are no barriers and where deaf people participate actively and on equal terms, becoming full citizens".

Pefrán Social Responsibility

For Ibéricos Pefrán it is a pleasure to be able to contribute in this type of actions with non-profit organisations from Salamanca and, in this case, we are delighted to help the families of deaf children.

Corporate Social Responsibility is for us an unavoidable commitment that we assume in parallel to the rest of our business tasks. We also have a collaboration agreement with Pyfano, an association of parents, relatives and friends of children with cancer in Castilla y León. We also keep in close contact with our neighbours, supporting initiatives to promote the rural environment, such as those carried out by the Ampa of the CRA Valparaíso, in Santibáñez de Béjar.

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